We have been a little quiet the last couple weeks, but for good reason, we promise! Of course we have been redecorating for Christmas, but we have also had a lot of exciting things happening! Some we can now share, and some are surprises for the future! We know many of you saw the
article in the Dallas Morning News, but we were REALLY surprised when it was also picked up in the
Fort Worth Star Telegram! (Really surprised because we had no idea it was even going to be in the FWST until the day it was published and people started calling us)

Today we had
Paige McCoy Smith of WFAA TV and Good Morning Texas, and camera man Brian at the Red Shed to film a segment that will be aired on Monday, November 30th.
It was so amazing to see all the work that goes into setup before a camera is even turned on!

Here is Michele M pretending like she is adjusting a display.... she had to pretend like she was adjusting the same display 4 or 5 times (of course Michele J and Val were giggling in the background)

Then cute
Paige McCoy arrived to interview Michele for her MomPreneurs segment.

This is really Michele's story about overcoming a trash diagnosis of breast cancer, and turning it into the treasure that has become The Red Shed.

So we don't want to reveal all of the displays because, of course, we want you to come visit us and be blown away, But here are a few sneak peeks....

Don't forget to put Dec 5th on your calendar! The Red Shed Anniversay-Clearance-Holiday Sale will start at 8am sharp.