Another day, another three flea markets to visit in Provence!

The first was a little known Vide Grenier or Garage Sale, that was held under this ancient bridge...
Would it be possible to find treasures amid the old clothes and broken toys?
But of course! Case in point, these wonder religious plaques with French writing on the back. Hundreds of years old, they were the vendor's grandmothers. I asked why she was selling them and she said "Oh she had SO MANY" Mind you, this conversation is completed with me speaking no French and her speaking no English.
Then onto another darling small village that was having a parking lot sale...Thank goodness for our guide, Jill, we would NEVER have found these on our own...
Our next stop was the Flea Market of
L'Isle sur la Sorgue, one of the most beautiful cites and Provence. The city is surrounded by lovely waterways and greenery.
The streets are lined with darling shops and a flower and food market...
Michele is carrying bunches of Lavender that we are bringing home for our sale on Oct. 30th
Then there is the avenue with the vintage vendors....Here is my new favorite picture that depicts French Flea Markets....A wonderful crusty and chipped Christus statue next a used tennis racket...
Here are a few more things that caught our eye....
Then at the very end of the avenue, we found this wonderful store!!
Full of custom linens and authentic French decor, we were immediately enamored....
We ooo'd and aaah'd so much over all of their wares made mostly of vintage linens, that the owners took us back into their work room to show us that they were making most of the wonderful things that we loved (look at the bed that would soon be on display!)You can view their beautiful wares online at
Our wonderful day came to an end with the only sprinkles that we experienced the entire trip. We still managed to get a quick photo with the group in one of the most beautiful cities in France!
A few treasures from today that will be available at our Oct 30th sale |
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