Boy, we have been so busy since the first of the year, we haven't even had a chance to toot our own horn! Our Paris Flea Market Shopping Trips were featured in the new addition of Flea Market Style magazine...Page 11.

Here is the funny part.. The article was suppose to look like this:

But when it came from the printer it looked like this: See all those words above that were under "Caution"? Well they just disappeared! What makes it worse, is they were MY WORDS! and pretty clever, if I say so myself. The sad part is I don't have many clever moments.....

If you came to our last sale, maybe you recognize the girl in the top right hand corner. That's GiGi Ewbank, a good friend and hard core Red Shed Girl shopping with us in Paris (she has been with us THREE times!) Also, the photo below her was taken by
Tamra Novak, who is a fabulous jewelry designer and also went to Paris with us. The other top left photo was taken by "Moi", so I guess that means I'm a published photographer also, right?
You can purchase a copy of
Flea Market Style at our shop or on our website by clicking
Well Michele and I are off to Round Top / Warrenton Antiques Show, and...LOOK OUT, we rented a cargo van!
"Like" us on FACEBOOK Yes, MM and I finally got I-phones, so now you can follow our exploits in real time. See what it coming to the shop, before it is even IN the shop. Search for: Red Shed Antiques Grapevine Texas or click