A few pics from our Sale and Show last weekend. BIG Thanks to all of you who braved the heat to show your appreciation of our hard work, and help us have our BEST August Sale, ever!
There is an old saying that beauty normally doesn't come without some pain, and we certainly can vouch for that. Here are a few behind the scenes, "befores" that helped us achieve the "afters"..
One of our favorite re-do's had to do with this Victorian couch that we had torn down to the frame
We loved the display possibilities and especially the wonderful pink velvet we found under 5 layers of upholstery. Though "she" was Gorgeous and well made, no one seemed to share our enthusiasm to claim the couch as a fix-er-up-er. Sometimes you just have to think out of the box and bite the bullet. In this case, it came in the form of an electric Gatorsaw.
We cut out the springs, which were oh-so-cute, because of the curved edge, (which we wrapped in muslin) and hung them for this darling display...we were so sad to see them go (darn it! that happens when you put a price on them!), because we wanted to display them again as a headboard...
The top part of the couch went onto the wall over some vintage lace...
and the bottom was propped over one of our windows, where the velvet stopped the show..
a definite tribute to the old girl, and now, though in pieces, she will be loved for years to come.