Time to unveil what Michele M, Michele J, and Valarie, aka The Red Shed Girls, brought back from our Junk Bonanza Antiquing Trip to Minnesota. All of the items below are available for sale at The Red Shed, Cottage Chic Antiques, in Grapevine, Texas.
We love the beautiful, interesting, architectural based furniture that we found. This blue-green flip top table has a deep lacquered shabby finish. The cross bars are carved just as the sides. It is gorgeous.
We couldn't resist this interesting side table. Probably made from one leg of a larger table. The lion is intricately carved.
We will add some hooks to this to make a bench/hall tree. It is a one of a kind treasure made from a vintage door, mirror and dozens of separate antique architectural elements. This is a substantial piece that would really make a statement in your foyer.
Love this farm cabinet! Fifteen drawers and a cupboard to store all your crafts, jewelry or toiletries.
This is a shelf also made for separate pieces. It almost looks like a piece of a table on your wall. It's darling!
We found lots of wonderful Architectural pieces that would look as great in your home as in your garden. Just drool........
Now for the really interesting, fun, and unique!
This is an antique gear mold. It is hand carved and made to press in sand and make an impression for the molten metal to create giant gears.
It is just gorgeous, and would look so striking above a fireplace, or on at tall wall open to a second story.
Designers, start your engines......
Huge vice clamps.............
Perfect white patina on this heavy steel wheel......
Large yarn spool....
Couldn't resist this cardboard dress form...
White swan made from corn husks.......
Large propeller..........
Nautical Light covers...........
The most interesting birdcage. The exterior ball rolls like a bingo cage, but the interior perch and food cups stay stationary. This one may not be vintage, but it is really unique!
Beautiful crochet handle hatbox...
Love this baby scale! How great will it be filled with Holiday gourds and bounty?
Fabulous french lamp....
And of course, The Kitchen Sink! Heavy, Huge, Porcelain, and Wonderful. Perfect for your potting shed.
This is just a sampling. Of course we have lots of fun smaller items that we smuggled home in our suitcases. Valarie's suitcase was 25 pounds overweight at the airport!
Drop by the Red Shed, Monday-Friday 9-5 or during our Saturday Spectacular Sale on October 25th, to see the rest of our "booty".