Thursday, January 1, 2009

Vintage New Year's Resolution

Our friend, Donna Bradley, was going through some of her father's things, and found some vintage New Year's post cards. She made some copies and sent them to us (Thank you, dear Donna!) and we just loved this one! The scan is a little blurry, but the prose is below. We hope you and we, still have a little more "happy-go-lucky" in the coming year! Valarie, Michele, and Michele,
The Red Shed Girls


  1. That's too good! Thanks for sharing! We are making toasts on our blog...come on over and leave a toast!

    Happy New Year!

    Malisa and Karen

  2. Resolutions are great, esp. those on vintage cards! I really like the pic of the angel in your other post too! Happy New Year

  3. Wishing you all a wonderfully Happy and Blessed New Year!!! :)

  4. I love that! Old post cards are so entertaining to me. Happy New Year! ~Mindy
