Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Gifts Antiques Grapevine Texas Sale!

Christmas gifts on sale 2012 <!--[if IE 8 ]><![endif]


Christmas Gift Sale! Everything 10% off starting Tomorrow!

There is still plenty of time to get last minute Christmas gifts at The Red Shed and it is all on sale!
Here are just a few suggestions.....
You can find jewelry from $10 to $125 (plus 10% off!).
Candles with handwritten French music, vintage velvet and lace $12 - $28,
French Sachets, Garden Statues, and French themed gifts
French Sachets from $10
Full size Garden Statue Head $125
French Key Ornaments $18
French Dolomite Bottle $28
French Script Tags $5.99 for 4
Tote bags from Paris $16.99
And of course, plenty of vintage and antiques.......
Italian Books from 1825 $79 for 4
Authentic French Botanical from 1935 $125
French Lamp with Cherub $99

Plus 20% to 50% off all Christmas decor!

Give the Best Gift Ever!...A Girl's trip to France or Italy

What a great gift to give yourself, your best friend, your Mom or Sister! Join a Red Shed Tour Group to visit the flea markets of Paris, Provence, or Italy. Visit for details. This will be our 9th year of hosting wonderful ladies on these great trips!
We also plan custom trips for singles, couples or small groups.
Paris 2009 April May 384

Holiday Hours

Thur Dec. 20th 10am - 7pm
Fri. Dec. 21st 10am - 7pm
Sat. Dec. 22nd 10am - 5pm
Closed Dec. 23rd - Dec 25th
Wed Dec 26th 10am - 7pm Use those Gift Certificates!
Thur Dec 27th 10am -7pm
Fri Dec 28th 10am - 7pm

Merry Christmas from The Red Shed Girls!

Red Shed Antiques & Travel
317 Church Street
Grapevine, TX 76051
blogger email facebook

Monday, December 10, 2012

Many Thanks for a Joyeux Noel!

Many Thanks to all of our dear customers for making our Joyeux Noel French Christmas Market such a great success! We had so much fun getting it ready for you. We hope our Jackalope Angel Ladder Tree put a smile on your face!

 Gayle designed the lovely wreaths in the French Market...

 And GiGi hand painted the wonderful galvanized tubs at the entrance...

 Wish we had photos of Michele stuck inside the couch to get the greens just right...

 You can never have enough silver, because there is always a fun way to display it..

 Thanks to Michael for taking some great photos!


 Loved this curtain of crystal...

It's not too late to drop by for a unique Christmas gift or French inspired decor! We have restocked and we are open every day but Sundays until Christmas! Stay tuned for a sneak peek of treasures still to be found!
Much love, Valarie, Michele, Gayle & Gigi